Jan 2015 Denver Death Cafe
A write up of Denver Death Cafe January 2015
By Anita Larson

Denver Death Café Summary
January 18, 2015
Thank you to Porter Place for hosting the January 2015 Denver Death Café and providing refreshments. Anita Larson welcomed Greg Whitehair, Mediator and Medical Ethicist as Co-Facilitator this year.
The conversations started with sharing special memories of the holidays. There was quite a bit of respectful dialogue over the Death with Dignity proposed legislation (which Colorado lawmakers recently vetoed). Statistics were cited on a variety of studies in states where this is legal. “Fewer than half the people that get the prescription actually use it.” This tells me that people want to have some control at the end of their life and having the prescription gives them peace of mind. Opposing views were discussed, the Catholic Church is not in favor of hastening death, and it is up to God. The disabled community is split on imposing an end-of-life choice for varying reasons. In Belgium euthanasia is legal and the doctor can help the person along.
One story was shared about a healing message from the other side. The differences between terminology of Alzheimer’s and Dementia were discussed. Insurance and doctors label the patient differently and the patient may be misdiagnosed. Hospice and palliative care along with real-life experiences of both were talked about. A hospice nurse was present and answered many questions that people asked.
There were several first-time attendees who reside at Porter Place. Attendees found the conversations informative, eye opening, experiential, insightful, satisfying and gained new perspectives. Overall everyone concluded that the time went too fast. The conversations about death and dying continue next month.
Our next Denver Death Café gathering will be:
Date: Sunday, February 15th, 2015
Time: 3-4:30 p.m.
Place: Porter Place, 1001 E. Yale Avenue, Denver, CO 80210
There is plenty of free parking in the back (north) and also in the church parking lot to the east.
Please arrive a few minutes early to secure a seat and grab some refreshments.
We begin promptly at 3:00. No RSVP required.
“Talking about death leads to a good life.”
Anita Larson, Facilitator & Family Celebrant