Highcliffe Death Cafe
A write up of Highcliffe Death Cafe
By Lis Horwich

We had another interesting afternoon in Highcliffe Death Cafe with several new members attending. Two members could tell about a near death experience, which were fascinating to listen to. As they both said, this is something you can’t discuss with many fellow humans! Other members do daily meditations of: Dying while Living - Gurumat Sidhant - santmat-thetruth.de.
Another member shared a list she has written on which steps to take before facing death in relation to will writing, arranging of funeral etc. I had a lovely book send to share with members from the publisher of: Brandy Schillace: “Death’s Summer Coat”; what the history of death and dying can tell us about life and living. This book is inspired by the Death Café movement, so I’m so grateful for being made aware of this publication.