Highcliffe Death Cafe
A write up of Highcliffe Death Cafe
By Lis Horwich

One week two Death Café were hosted-normally we have a gap of 1 week, but not so this July. Next Death Café will be September. Monday night we had a hectic discussion about our soul in the afterlife and how we plan our life before we are born, books mentioned were: Astrology of the Soul” by Jan Spiller and “Your Soul’s Plan” by Robert Schwartz. We were 5 folks together half of previous meeting with 10!
Wednesday 3 new members came along to an interesting meeting with lots of laughter among the 6 people. We were a celebrant, an actor, a past-life soul regression therapist, a nurse, a Cruse volunteer and a complimentary therapist. We talked about:The Natural Death Centre; www.naturaldeath.org.uk .The Natural Death Handbook by Stephanie Wienrich. More and more people today want to organise at least part of a funeral for themselves, without depending on funeral directors, this is the book for them.
We came up the 5 D word: death, dementia, depression, divorce and dirge; all very life changing events.
Again the subject on working on your own funeral came up. It was suggested the finding a probate administrator, who also can be your executor will save a lot of money rather than going via a solicitor.
Has celebration of life totally taken over the sombre feeling about a funeral/cremation rightly or wrongly? Are we ready for “Preloaded Grief”; a child dies before you? Felt we needed more hours than the 1½ for these very thought provoking issues.