Highcliffe Death Cafe
A write up of Highcliffe Death Cafe
By Lis Horwich

Highcliffe Death Café hosted two meetings this week; one evening and one afternoon.
A couple of new faces were welcomed among an ever floating group. Among us was a writer and Astrophysics. He is a contributor in: Memento Mori (A Collection of Magickal and Mythological Perspectives On Death, Dying, Mortality and Beyond) is the new anthology edited by Kim Huggens, who previously produced VS. and FROM A DROP OF WATER for Avalonia.
He wrote the chapter: Star Lore and Death in Ancient Egypt. A very fascination account on his knowledge was enjoyed by all.
Time in the afternoon was taken up by discussing Robert Schwartz book: Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born. Several members had already read the book and had different views on the topic.