Death Café West Hampstead write up, 25 January 2016
A write up of Death Cafe West Hampstead

This was our 1st Death Café at Café Rouge in West Hampstead. Philomena Corrigan co-facilitated
30 booked to attend
12 attended plus two facilitators
11 feedback forms were returned
Average age: 60.5
8 women: (aged 39– 64) 2 men (aged 67 & 81)
Overall, how would you rate this event?(10 = excellent, 1 = poor) 8.5/10
People's experiences of this Death Café:
Very interesting and good to hear different view points and oppinions. Lecturer, female, 39.
I found it interesting, moving and practical. The mix of people and views has been welcome to me and it feels comfortable to speak out _ thank you! Filmmaker/journalist, 48.
Pretty good, but I was disappointed by people talking of ‘spirituality’ and of experiences of for example of hearing the voice of a dead person as an experience not of the self but of the other (I can hallucinate, but they are my hallucinations). Retired Psychiatrist, male, 81.
Very interesting. Everyone listened respectfully to each other. We discussed a wide range of topics which gave me food for thought. Advisory teacher for children with language and communication difficulties, female, 62.
Welcoming, unnerving, a starting place for offer a Death Café in my part of London. Nurse, female, 57.
Stimulating – as ever. Retired/ musician, male, 67.
Very interesting table discussion, leading on to stimulating whole group session. Teacher, female, 64.
Very interesting. I always value hearing experiences and thoughts of others. Teacher, female, 62.
Stimulating, thought provoking, I will come again. Writer and Univerity creative writing tutor, female, old.
Comfortable and stimulating. Homeopath/cranial-sacral therapist, female, 62.
Very inspired by the variety of discussions and aspects of death and dying. General atmosphere was open after the first inhibitions. Teacher, female, 63.
What motivated you to attend this evening?
5 x I have been bereaved
5 x I want to prepare for my own death
5 x I wish to learn about end of life issues
1 x enjoyed it and have come again
1 x many years of interest in dying
1x considering setting up a Death Cafe
Ethnic background:
10 x white
1 x mixed ethnicity
Religious/spiritual orientation in childhood and now:
1 x Atheist
1 x CoE/ Buddhist, Taoist, Shamanism
1 x none
1 x unconfirmed
1 x Atheist/ Christian
1 x Protestant/ Buddhist flavoured other
1 x CoE
1x CoE/lapsed
1 x Christian/Buddhist
2 x did not say
Have you attended a Death Café before? If so, how many?
5 x came for the first time
1 x came for the second time
2 x 4th time
1 x 5th time
1x 7thh or 8th time
1 x for 9th or 11th time
Do you, or are you planning to host a Death Café?
1 x yes, in Hammersmith
1 x possibly in West Wales