Tucson Death Cafe
A write up of Tucson Death Cafe
Big Thanks to Jeff for hosting September’s café! And thanks to everyone who helped him out. Despite the big impact of hurricane Newton in the Tucson area it was a great café turnout. Some of the topics that came up were historical death rituals and funerary customs, green burials, and death with dignity. Letting you all know that the UA journalism student who visited the café unfortunately wasn’t able to complete her project to publish it and sends apologies and thanks to all who spoke with her. In my travels away I visited Chattanooga, Tennessee for their very first Death Café! It was lovely and fun to be a participant with other inquiring souls and fascinating topics. An auspicious start and great good luck to them for a continuing vibrant café! Advance notice that due to library scheduling the next two cafés to finish out 2016 will be slightly different than our usual schedule. The November café will take place on Monday, October 31st, 5:30-7:00pm - a Halloween Spectacular Event - and December’s cafe will be Wednesday, December 7th, 6:00- 7:30pm. So plan ahead and hope to see you all in the lively fall and winter desert seasons.