A diverse Death Cafe at the Brink
A write up of Death Cafe in Liverpool

It was a wonderful experience facilitating a Death Cafe at The Brink in Liverpool. This was for DaDa Fest a festival focused on Deaf and Disability Arts.
The Brink is an alcohol free community cafe. This light and homely setting was perfect for the Death Cafe.
About 25 people joined the lively conversation. Many were from DaDa Fest, including a several of there staff and organisers.
Several attendees were involved in working creatively with death, including filmmakers and those supporting people dying and those close to them.
The Brink's alcohol free policy makes it accessible to people in recovery from addiction. We were fortunate that a number of people from the recovery community were able to participate in the Death Cafe.
As usual the conversation at the Death Cafe was surprising, honest and enlightening. Thanks to DaDa Fest for organising this event.