Highcliffe Death Cafe
A write up of Highcliffe Death Cafe
By Lis Horwich

Highcliffe Death Cafe had a most interesting afternoon with 9 people in total with some beautiful connections. Thank you everyone for coming along and open your heart to discuss what is close to you right now at the start of 2017.
Mentioned Joe Bakewell and her interesting radio 4 series recently. She mentioned Compassionate Neighbours watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_zDO6_O2QM. We talked about sibling death and how society rather forget as a sibling we also mourn, it is not just the partner, children og parents!
We touched upon Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) read here: https://www.scie.org.uk/publications/ataglance/ataglance43.asp with Society of Later Lives Advisers. (SOLLA) http://societyoflaterlifeadvisers.co.uk/ all linked to advocacy of the elderly without any family nearby or any children or partner. We far too often forget so many people around us is in this situation. “The Good Funeral Guide” by Charles Cowling http://www.goodfuneralguide.co.uk/ is highly recommendable so is our very own guest today Ken West’s book: “A guide to Natural Burial” and “R.I.P. OFF!” http://www.naturalburialcreator.co.uk/books/4580197134.
Again we talked about Lasting Power of Attorney, Soul Midwife , we had one among us and one about to start her study: http://www.naturalburialcreator.co.uk/books/4580197134 and a gentleman starting on The End of Life Duala training: http://www.lwdwtraining.uk/ and much more.
So, all in all such a fascinating group of people.