Highcliffe Death Cafe
A write up of Highcliffe Death Cafe
By Lis Horwich

Highcliffe Death Café had a little gathering yesterday, with one new member coming along. Many topics were discussed incl. the idea of “direct disposals” http://www.goodfuneralguide.co.uk/direct-disposal/. How to accept the process of dying, the hugely different prices of having your power of attorney, legally disposal of chattels.
The talk of the after-death experiences and nearly death experiences, look further at Conscious TV or subscribe to the weekly “Friday Afterlife Report” by Victor and Wendy Zammit: http://www.victorzammit.com/May12th2017. If you missed out on last night’s programme on BBC2 9pm “A Time to Life” - following the stories of a number of people diagnosed with terminal illnesses. Very positive reviews saying- 'Tear jerking yet uplifting, it's a thought-provoking look at a subject that affects us all: death. As the title suggests, it's highly life-affirming.'