Highcliffe Death Cafe
A write up of Highcliffe Death Cafe
By Lis Horwich

A very enjoyable last Death Café hosted with only a few ladies. We talked about near-death experiences, actually that very Wednesday Radio 2 in Jeremy Vine radio show half way through, out-of-body experiences was indeed discussed: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08xy0mb. Many other useful topics were talked about.
I would like to advice you all about an event taking place in Bournemouth the 13th of Sep when Ross Bartlett talks on Heaven Therapy. He has written a book of this title and studied mediumship. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Heaven-Therapy-Insights-Into-Afterlife/dp/1844096971.
So, this leaves me now to say a huge thank you to the more than 70 people, who have come through my door during the last 3 years of me hosting this event. Some very knowledge people have honoured us with their wisdom and presence, we have learned such a lot and shared a huge host of very personal thoughts and experiences.
I am grateful for your support and encouraging words along the way talking about death and the many related topics.
I trust the fantastic movement started by our Jon Underwood will keep growing around the world and I send my thanks to Jon. I know he will keep tapping into the movement in his own unique way from the other side.
Pleased to say Highcliffe Death Cafe has donated £30 in memory of Jon to support his family for a brighter future.