Death Cafe Iowa - August
A write up of Death Cafe Iowa

For our August’s Death Café Iowa we met at Hamilton’s on Westown Parkway in West Des Moines, Iowa. Carrie Bauer and Buffy Peters (members of the Young Bereavement Professionals Group) facilitated the group. There were 10 people in attendance, 8 women and 2 men, and participants ranged in ages and professions.
Because most of the group has been to our Death Café’s before introductions tended to focus on updates and thoughts since the last Death Café. Some topics that sprung were the importance of talking more openly about death, questions and ideas about what to include in wills, who should be the executor, family traditions surrounding death and funerals, dealing with the financial business after a loved one dies, and what people say about the deceased (is it good, is it bad, is it what they would want people to remember about them). All of the topics spurred more thoughts and comments from others and it was an engaging night of conversation!