Death Cafe Iowa
A write up of Death Cafe Iowa

Our September Death Café marked our 2 year anniversary of meeting regularly in the Des Moines area! Carrie was so kind of bring a special cake with a “2” candle for participants to enjoy. Carrie Bauer, Buffy Peters and Carmen Elliott (members of the Young Bereavement Professionals Group) facilitated the group and there were 7 people in attendance, 6 women and 1 men.
Some of our regulars had been on a tour of Woodland Cemetery in Des Moines the week before they discussed that tour. Another topic that was discussed was the idea of mourning wear and jewelry to commemorate people who have died. One participant found a website that had many different items for those who are grieving to let others know to ‘handle them with care’. We also discussed at length school response after a death and the impact on young people. Many had had personal experiences themselves or with their children after a parent had died.
One topic we found interesting at this Death Café is the idea deathbed hallucinations. One participant listened to a podcast that talked about a mother dying and her mother seeing all the pets that have died being there with her on her deathbed. It sparked the idea of who do you think will be there when you die? Another topic is being emotional spending while planning a funeral. One participant shared that after her husband died she bought some services and merchandise because she thought he would have wanted that at his funeral. But years later she thought what a waste of money that was.
We are looking forward to October’s Death Café and what inspiring conversation will happen then!